Wednesday, March 6, 2013

That's Not a Snow! This is a Snow!

    So we are currently in the midst of whats being called Snowquestration here in Virginia. Overnight we got about 5 inches of snow and it continued snowing for most of the day. Now for all of the precipitards out there this was not a happy day. Especially if they still had to drive to work in it. Now please note that I once included myself as a precipitard, but these past few years of northernly living have hardened me to the elements. See, I was born and raised in a little town called Aiken in the beautiful state of South Carolina. And when it even thought about snowing there, the whole town would go into utter chaos and just shut down. I hardly ever got to experience the wonder of snow when I was a child. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I can recall it snowing enough for me to play in. My youthful experience of this type of precipitation did not prepare me at all for what I would encounter when I decided to move up to be with my husband in Connecticut.

     In October of 2008 I had decided that I'd had about enough of long distance dating with then boyfriend, now husband and we made the decision for me to relocate to Vernon, Connecticut where he was stationed. I was excited at the prospect of a new life with someone that I thought I could really have something with and gave no mind to what the next few months would bring me. To put it simply, I was naive. On so many levels. But we won't go off on that tangent right now. The half bottle of yummy blueberry wine may make me a little snarky. So I'll just stick to the weather.

     I think the first thing that signaled that I most definately was not in "Kansas" anymore was when I went out to go to work one morning and my windshield was frosted over. Now normally in wonderful South Cackalacki you can just push your clean windshield button and squirt that fluid on there and wipe all that frost away and go about your business. Well guess what. That is totally not what happened when I tried that in Connecticutt. That crap froze instantly! Even thicker! I was like, "What in the world!" But I am a smart one and quickly figured out how to remedy that situation by scraping and blasting the defroster for a bit. Yeah...somebody could have warned me so that I could save face on that one. Or better yet, there should be a how-to book for transplants.

      I won't even go into telling you about me freaking out when "The Worst Winter EVER" hit while I was at work at the jewelry store in Hartford which is about 3o minutes away on the interstate from where we lived. I kept asking why we weren't closing the store. Needless to say I had to have my then boyfriend, now husband come and pick me up. It was crazy! You couldn't even see the lines in the road or even tell if you were still on the road. I drove really really slow everytime I had to drive after that and would put my flashers on. Yeah...people hated me.

     Flash forward to present day and we have this here Snowquestration. And let me just say that while it is so awesome because I get to enjoy my husband being home with me all day, it still makes me laugh. Although it is a gallant effort, it still isn't the several feet we would get overnight in Connecticut or the blizzards that I would have to drive through in Indiana.

     However, I will take what I can get. And I am totally enjoying this snow even if it isn't quite as devastating as in some other states. I enjoyed it, my husband enjoyed it, and more importantly, my son enjoyed it.

     So what all did you do today? Were you stranded inside due to weather today?

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