Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dear Michelle....Yes You, Mrs. Wankerman!

    So I know that you don't like me for any justified reason. Other than the fact that I have what you decided to throw away all because you couldn't spend a little time alone while he offered up his life for this country. You decide to throw away your marriage and destroy the life of your daughter just to get your rocks off. I understand that loneliness. I tried to befriend you in the beginning and not hold your choices against you. To be honest I'm thankful for them, otherwise he wouldn't be with me. See, he is such a good man that he would have stayed with you, miserable, just for the sake of his daughter.

     I even offered you condolences when your third husband physically abused you in front of your daughter for the second (probably more than that) time. Never understanding why you would allow such a person another opportunity. I felt sorry for you then. You were still very nasty and even offered to "slit my throat". Your words. Not mine. All I offered at that time was to watch your daughter while you got your life in order so that she could be shielded from anymore violence you would allow in her life.

     Flash forward a few months and Nathan and I find out that we are going to have a child of our own. Things must have seemed pretty serious for you then because you started telling your daughter that her father was going to give her up for adoption and tried to convince Nathan to turn over his parental rights to a man that had been put in jail for physically abusing you in front of your daughter. It was very distressing for us to try to calm and assure a distraught little girl every other weekend that her father loved her very much and that he would NEVER give her up.

   Several months later after you taking us to court to modify child support (even though you carry a Masters degree, yet refuse to get a job) and agreeing to allow us the visitation we desire, we find that you have once again put that man in jail. This time after a suspicious fire has burned down your living space. Noting that in previous police reports you stated that he threatened to burn down your residence. We applauded you for finally putting your foot down and getting him out of your life. We prayed that you would not make the same mistake again. We learned that you would go through several men all while pawning your daughter off on your Mother. Even so far as to travel to different states to meet up with them. It shocked and appalled us that you would be so selfish.

    Finally we were granted visitation by you, even though you previously agreed in front of your lawyer to agree to a schedule which you did not adhere to, we got to have that sweet little girl down. We requested her presence for a family reunion which she hasn't gotten a chance to attend before and wanted very much for her to be apart of. You denied that stating that your family was much more important even though she gets to see them often. We said "Okay", because well, what else can we say? We try to enjoy the time that we have with her. But find it very difficult, since apparently you sent her with specific instructions that she wasn't to obey me, as her stepmother, and that she wasn't to have anything to do with Aiden, who is her half-brother (at the time was a little over a year old and was unfortunately in the hospital the first two weeks of her visit).  Anytime we tried to give  a correction to disobedience it was responded to with a phone call to you, in which you decided to forego the rest of the alloted time we had with her and come and get her. Being severely disrespectful in the process. Maybe it was the fact that your daughter was disturbing your "honey-moon" because you chose this time to get married again, that you were so angry.

    So here we are two years or so later and we are finally getting the opportunity to see her again. We are excited. We have planned out things to do. We have prepared her room for her and even prepared the second room incase she would like that one better. And you have the audacity to tell us that because of my behaviour you will not let her come even though we have bought the ticket well in advance, with your knowledge? What?!?! What did I do? I made a comment about you letting her come in the past because of your impending marriage and you decide to once again use your daughter as a pawn against Nathan. Not me....but Nathan. Do you not realize how much he loves his daughter?!?! Do you not realize how good you have it? Do you know how many women out there don't get ANY support from the father's of their children? Do you realize that we once paid $1000 for one (1) child? Now we only pay half that. And still that is more than some women even dream of getting. Nathan actually wants to see his daughter. He wants to be with her and teach her and give her things and buy her things. Oh yeah, how about explaining all the presents that we mailed that she never received yet they were signed for. Oh yeah....we paid for delivery confirmation on those. Why didn't you give those to her?

   But whatever, we have come to expect that type of stuff from you and sadly we don't send expensive gifts anymore. If that beautiful girl comes to visit us, which we pray often that she will, we will give her all her gifts then. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that as much as I have tried to be respectful and gracious and merciful, I admit, I have a really really hard time with doing so. I have never spoken of you disrespectfully in front of your daughter but in reality I think you are a selfish bitch and that you don't deserve the children that God has given you. I hope that one day society and the courts will see that and they will give your precious babies a chance at a decent life. God bless you Michelle because you sure do need it. As do I, we will continue to pray for you and all of us.


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