Monday, March 4, 2013

Manifesto of a Charm

     Welcome to my blog! I have to admit that I am new to this whole realm of journaling, so please bear with me as I figure it out. You may have stumbled upon this page by accident and are now wondering if you've fallen into the Twilight Zone. Well, maybe you have. Things can get really weird around here sometimes. But never fear! You are free to leave at anytime. This is not the Hotel California and you can check out if you like. If you think you can handle the ride, then please do stick around because you never know what might come out of my mind.

     The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (yes, I'm a self-proclaimed wordsmith and use the dictionary quite frequently) gives the definition of the word Manifesto as:  a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer. So I'd like to start my blog with my own manifesto.

     This blog, The Life of a Charm, is intended for entertainment purposes. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Although it may induce some chuckles and face palms. I intend to educate my readers about the everyday happenings of a charm. You may be asking yourself what exactly a charm is used in this context. Well, quite simply I am the third wife of my amazing husband and the joke has always been that it would either be three strikes you're out, or third time's a charm. We are going for the latter option. So this is my life, my ramblings, posted forever out into cyber space for friends and strangers to laugh about or commiserate with. I may provide some interesting tips or facts about things such as: rehabilitating animals, cooking, cleaning, keeping a three year old occupied and out of trouble, homeschooling, marriage, and Jesus. I am passionate about all of these.

   Are you still reading? Is your interest piqued? Well stay tuned, I hope to post again soon. Thanks for sticking with it.

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