Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quitters Never Prosper....Or Do They?

   So I have a confession to make. I smoke cigarettes. <Gasp!> I know, I know, this is probably a shock to many of you since I have been a closet smoker for the past 6 months on again and off again. I hate smoking. I really do. It stinks and I swear that I am a lot less patient when I am a smoker. The problem is that its just so darn addictive! I had quit for well over a year and one small moment of weakness caused all that hard work and effort to become non-existent. See, I thought that just one little smoke with my family (yes, my mother and step-father are both smokers too) as we were enjoying some adult beverages over the summer would be no problem. I would just not smoke anymore after that. Well, that one choice to smoke led to me thinking that I could just smoke while I was there visiting with them and that when I got back home I wouldn't smoke after that. Well, here I am at the beginning of March and I still haven't successfully quit again. Sure, there's been a few weeks here and there that I didn't smoke, but ultimately I suck at quitting. As the wonderful Mr. Clemens said, To stop smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know; I've done it a thousand times.

     For all you non-smokers who have never been addicted to anything in your lives, don't waggle your finger at me. Seriously, an addiction is not an easy thing to overcome. You could never understand just how difficult it is to break a habit. However, I do have some wonderful motivators to help me with quitting. The biggest one is my son. I do not want him to grow up thinking that it is perfectly normal to have a cigarette hanging out of your mouth. I don't want him to ever pick up this nasty habit and I know that our children model our behaviours. Another motivator I have is Boot Camp. No, I'm not enlisting in the military. I'll leave that job to my able-bodied husband. Boot Camp is an intense exercise regimen that I have fallen in love with. I can't keep up in it though because I get so winded. Oh yeah, did I mention that my husband and I just signed up for the Zombie run? Its where you run from Zombies that are trying to eat your brains (steal your flags from your belt). I don't want to be eaten! So those are some pretty good motivators in my opinion. Now I just have to buckle down and go refill my Chantix. If I could only convince my hubby to quit with me again I just know I could do it. But seriously, two quitters in the same room is just an ugly sight. But I will overcome and I will be all the more healthier and a better role model for it. See, quitters do prosper!

  Is there something you are addicted to? Some monkey that you would like to get off your back? It doesn't have to be smoking. There are tons of things that folks are addicted to these days. The internet is a big one. Constantly checking Facebook to see if anyone has posted something new or commented on something you've posted. I would consider that a form of addiction. Or caffeine, I know tons of people who need coffee just to start their day. By the way, coffee and cigarettes make for some really really horrible dragon breath. Just sayin'. Whatever your crutch might be, if you are worried about being a quitter, its okay! Sometimes a quitter doesn't equate being a loser.

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